02 June 2023 Ashley Shelbrooke, HEPA and Project Specialist
There is still time to register as a Super User as part of the Cabinet Office Transforming Public Procurement programme!
A super user is a commercial professional who has completed the online learning and advanced deep dive training. They are commercial individuals with a clear understanding of the new procurement regime and who can provide strong leadership within their departments/organisations.
The superuser can support the implementation of the new regulatory regime L&D project by:
● Identifying common challenges and issues when implementing the new regulations in their business unit
● Gathering case studies, best practices and innovative approaches implemented in the organisation
● Being a key problem solver amongst the learning population (the eyes and ears on the ground), by being a visible advocate of the implementation
● Championing the communities of practice and promoting them within their organisations
● Where possible present case studies on community of practice meet-ups
The next Super User meet-up will take place online on 6 July at 10:30.
Should you wish to sign up, please drop me an email with…