26 May 2021
Ashley Shelbrooke, HEPA and Project Specialist
The Cabinet Office have recently released a series of Playbooks aimed at providing guidance for Government buyers in the categories of Sourcing, Consultancy and Construction. This article focuses on the Construction Playbook; you can find out more about the Sourcing and Consultancy Playbooks here.
The Construction Playbook captures commercial best practice and outlines the Government’s expectations of how contracting authorities and suppliers should engage with each other (as well as detailing some sector specific reforms).
There are 14 policies detailed in the Playbook; these are:
You can download the Constriction Playbook here, which is the result of collaboration between the public and private sector.
A set of Should Cost Modelling (SCM) tools and templates have been released to accompany the playbook; you can download these tools and templates here. An SCM is generated from benchmarking data from past projects around costs, schedule, carbon emissions and outcomes to forecast what a project or programme should cost over its whole life, including both the build phase and the expected design life.